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Our Experienced Instructor

At Simply Yoga, we believe that yoga is for everyone. We have been providing high-quality yoga instruction for over 30 years. Our experienced instructor is here to guide you on your yoga journey. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, we have a class for you.


Karen Douglas

EWRYT350, Y.E.S.

My name is Karen Douglas,

I started practicing yoga 30 years ago as a way to alleviate stress. Overtime, as I continues to enjoy my practice I began to realize and experience the multitude of both the physical and mental health benefits this activity has to offer to any body. Inhabiting an ‘older adult’ body myself now, I know without a doubt that yoga is not just another form of exercise.

Not only did it benefit my body in very positive ways, but also my mind, through improved concentration and awareness. I found myself becoming increasingly aware of the energetic, emotional and psychological gifts that yoga had to offer. I learned that yoga was – in and of itself – a form of mindful meditation. When one moves through a movement, they connect their mind and their body by riding on the waves of their breath. They are truly connecting their whole self.

On a more personal note, I am no stranger to mental illness, depression and anxiety and of course it’s opposite...wellness. Through a deep and disabling depression many years ago. I learned all over again the health benefits of having my own regular practice, which included Mindfulness Meditation.

It wasn’t until I found wellness again, that I could really appreciate the healing and grounding powers of the more meditative aspects of yoga.


Most of my classes are done by candlelight and with soft music. We use props like bolsters and straps, blankets and pillows to assist us in getting in to the postures we are practicing. The classes are open to anyone and cater to the older adults.

I keep my classes small...never any more than 8-10 participants. I provide all of the equipment one needs, however, you are welcome to bring your own mat if you wish. It is my hope, that you will find will find my home studio is warm and welcoming. soft carpeted flooring for optimal comfort.

I strongly believe that yoga is for everyone. It has served me through many stages of my life. There is absolutely no age limit or health issue that prevents a person from doing yoga. After all, Yoga is simply moving and breathing... mindfully.




“Live with intention, walk to the edge, listen hard. Practice wellness, play with abandon, and laugh. Choose no regrets. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love and live as if this is all there is . . .”

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